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letter of appointment 意味

"letter of appointment"の例文


  • 辞令{じれい}、任命状{にんめいじょう}、採用通知{さいよう つうち}
  • letter     1letter n. (1) 手紙, 書状; 書面; 公文書, 認可状. 【動詞+】 Why didn't you acknowledge the
  • appointment     appointment n. (1) 任命; 職; 指定; 特定の仕事に任命された人. 【動詞+】 In spite of my doubts I
  • appointment letter    辞令{じれい}、任命状{にんめいじょう}、採用通知{さいよう つうち}
  • make an appointment by letter    手紙{てがみ}で約束{やくそく}する
  • appointment    appointment n. (1) 任命; 職; 指定; 特定の仕事に任命された人. 【動詞+】 In spite of my doubts I decided to accept the appointment. いくつか疑念はあったがその任命を受けることにした I am about to announce his appointment as Chancellor
  • appointment with    ~との面会{めんかい}、~に会う約束{やくそく}
  • by appointment    (時?所を)指定して、予約で、約束して、任命によって◆【略】by appt.
  • no appointment    予約{よやく}なし
  • a letter    a letter 雁の便り かりのたより 一書 いっしょ 雁の使い かりのつかい 雁の文 かりのふみ 一字 いちじ
  • by letter    手紙{てがみ}で He let me know about it by letter. 彼は手紙でそのことを私に知らせてくれた。
  • in a letter    in a letter 紙上 しじょう
  • in a letter to    ~への書簡{しょかん}の中で
  • letter    1letter n. (1) 手紙, 書状; 書面; 公文書, 認可状. 【動詞+】 Why didn't you acknowledge the letter I sent you a week ago? 1 週間前に出した手紙を受け取ったとなぜ知らせてくれなかったのですか properly address a letter 宛て名を正確に記す The l
  • letter to    (人)あての手紙{てがみ}
  • to the letter    文字{もじ}どおりに、最後{さいご}の一字一句{いちじ いっく}まで He followed the instructions to the letter. 彼はその指示に一字一句従った。


  • could i see the letter of appointment ?
    証明できる手紙があれば 見せてもらえませんか?
  • then , they delivered the letter of appointment .
  • if you've got your letter of appointment , then could you show it to me ?
    証明できる手紙があれば 見せてもらえませんか?
  • in 1716 she married the emperor nakamikado and received the imperial letter of appointment as the title nyogo .
  • even after she received an imperial letter of appointment as nyogo , six emperors reigned one after another including montoku .
  • on february 25 , 1697 , she married the emperor higashiyama , and received the imperial letter of appointment as the title nyogo .
  • yoshiko also received an imperial letter of appointment to nyogo in 893 and was given the rank of jushii (junior fourth rank ) in 896 .
  • she received the imperial letter of appointment as the title jugo on may 3 , 1707; she was given the title chugu on february 27 , 1708 .
  • on november 10 , 1927 , he was posthumously awarded a shogoi (senior fifth rank ) iki (a letter of appointment ) in recognition of her accomplishment .
  • the important appointments were made by iki (a letter of appointment ) or by imperial decree , but common appointments were generally made by kuzen (oral decree ).
  • もっと例文:  1  2
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